Switzerland From May Lifts All Travel Restrictions on Tourists

Switzerland From May Lifts All Travel Restrictions on Tourists

Many countries finally lifted up covid restrictions and have made international trips possible after a hiatus for almost two years. It has brought a sense of relief, happiness, expectations, excitement and enthusiasm among travelers who are locked up in their homes and also the tourism and hospitality industry.

Only border requirements, not covid-19

The authorities determine that travelers who want to visit Switzerland will only have documents needed according to border rules such as valid passports or visas depending on their home country from 2nd May.

Announcement by Swiss Authority

Swiss authorities announced that tourists and visitors from all over the world can now enter Switzerland without having to follow any rules or restrictions from May. The State Secretariat for Swiss migration states that as soon as restrictions will go down, travelers, no matter which country they can freely visit Switzerland without having to produce testing reports or other Covid-19-related documents.

Low infection, high vaccination

The reason why Switzerland decided to bring down restrictions was that the country had recorded a low infection rate and a high level of vaccination. On April 19, the Swiss Federal Public Health Office noted that 15,664,046 vaccine doses were given throughout the country. Primary vaccination has been completed with 69.1 percent and booster vaccination has been received by 42.8 percent of the total population in this country.

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