Seva Cafe in Ahmedabad Allows You to Eat For Free And Pay For The Next Person

Seva Cafe in Ahmedabad Allows You to Eat For Free And Pay For The Next Person

In a corner of Ahmedabad in Gujarat, an elegant café invites you into its beautiful brick-colored interior with the striking title “Love all, serve all”. Seva Cafe Ahmedabad is a one of a kind restaurant that aims to promote love, compassion and community building through food. In this cafe you can get your food for free. But along with your food an envelope will come, where you will be asked to pay for the next person’s food. And the amount can be anything. It will depend on you. In short, you can pass on the happiness you received from your free meal to the next person who dines at the restaurant. Isn’t that a nice concept?

A coffee that is spreading love!

Not everyone does business for profit. Some do it to bring about change. And the Seva Cafe initiative is definitely moving. It also allows people from different communities to interact to bring them closer culturally. In an age where most people live in the virtual world, Seva Cafe is trying to foster real connections and real bonds.

Send a sense of gratitude

Even if you don’t know the person who placed the order before yours, you will feel a sense of appreciation as your meal will be a gift fully paid for by the person. Likewise, the person who eats after you remains grateful. Coffee creates a chain of kindness and connects hearts through the positive side of gifts.

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