You Must Try This New Smart Hack To Never Get Your Uber Cancelled

You Must Try This New Smart Hack To Never Get Your Uber Cancelled

The dream of all people who regularly travel to metropolitan cities is to take a taxi; Ola / Uber without being canceled. The inconvenience of the driver canceling you after knowing your location is quite common. But a Twitter user has learned of a “smart hack” that ensures that drivers will never abandon you and cancel your ride. We are absolutely sure that you are very excited to know this to avoid cancellation as you try to book a ride next time.

The smart hack to never get your Uber cancelled

Indians are experts when it comes to “Jugaad” and this Indian boy Suyash Upadhyaya has found the easiest way to save people from ride cancellation. @SuyashU posted a screenshot of his conversation with the Uber driver, with the caption “Hacked the system”.

The driver wrote the word “Drop” to Suyash. He replied with “Yes, drop”. The driver followed it up with “Drop Location”, to which Suyash replied: “Yes, drop a location”. The driver then replied with the same question “Drop Location” and Suyash replied the same “Yes, drop at location”. Finally, the driver responds with “Ok”. 1 minute. I’m on my way “, and Suyash writes” Okay, thanks “.

This conversation between the driver and Suyash is blasting the internet with numerous reactions and thanks from the user for his clever idea.

Nowadays Cab drivers cancelling on people have become a big joke on social media platforms. Furthermore, with the term “hack” it should be understood that it is not at all a good idea to cheat a driver who earns his living on these daily wages.

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