The Most Innovative Benches Around The World

The Most Innovative Benches Around The World

The Most Innovative Benches Around The World

The Most Innovative Benches Around The World. Many things shape the face of a city: buildings, bridges, parks, sculptures… even benches! That’s right, this simple form of public furniture can also add more emotion to a particular site. This list of unusual bench designs to illustrate that creativity can transform busy streets into cozy communal living rooms.

1. Seats In The Shape Of A Tulip By Tulpi Design

The Most Innovative Benches Around The World

2.Paprocany Lake Shore Redevelopment

3.Custom Curve Seats, Cadigal Green, University Of Sydney, Australia

The Most Innovative Benches Around The World

4. Bus Stop Bench

5.Piano Bench In Andrassy Ave, Budapest

The Most Innovative Benches Around The World

6.Park In Vöcklabruck, Austria

7. Bench In Kiev, Ukraine


The Most Innovative Benches Around The World

8. Creative Park Bench, Massachusetts

9. Bench By Alleswirdgut Architektur, Luxembourg

The Most Innovative Benches Around The World

10. The Blue Carpet In Newcastle, England

11. Bench Out Of Pencils In Kiev, Ukraine

The Most Innovative Benches Around The World

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